Call for Abstracts

2024 IISE Annual Conference and Expo (May 18 - 21, 2024)

Important Dates:

  • December 3, 2023 - EXTENDED Abstract Submission Deadline
  • December 29, 2023 - Abstract Decision to Authors
  • February 9, 2024 - Paper Submission Deadline
  • March 8, 2024 - Paper Decision to Authors
  • March 22, 2024 - Speaker Registration Deadline
  • April 12, 2024 - Final Session Schedule Released
  • May 18 - 21, 2024 - IISE Annual Conference and Expo

Steps and Instructions:

  1. Category/Topic

    Select your primary and secondary track.
  2. Enter Title

    Enter your title, primary audience, acceptance of abstract, and confirmation that you have read the terms and conditions.
  3. Enter Authors

    Enter author name, affiliation, and contact information. Required author/co-author image upload.
  4. Enter Abstract Description

    Upload or copy and paste your abstract into the system. Detailed technical instructions are available on the upload step. Submitted abstracts will be published as-is, please proofread them before submission.
  5. Confirmation

    You will have a chance to look over the submission to make sure all is complete.
  6. General Instructions

    No names or titles should be included in the abstract text. Names will be automatically hidden during the abstract review process and will be automatically inserted and properly formatted upon publication.

    Presenting authors will be automatically informed of the unique ID numbers and passwords assigned to their abstracts. Abstracts may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline, using the assigned ID# and password.

    Technical Support

    For help in submitting an abstract online, Contact technical support.